Chapter 14




(Frieza tirelessly trains in one of his training buildings. The ultra reinforced super metal alloy building is slowly being reduced to scrap)


Frieza: (thinking) He will pay! I will crush him into a million little pieces of bloody meat! Then I'll freeze them into ice cubes for my wine!


(Zarbon and Goku watch from a window)


Zarbon: Wow. He's really ticked.


Goku: If he keeps this up, he'll destroy the entire planet!


Zarbon: The building seems to be holding out.


(Frieza blasts huge beam at wall. The building collapses)


Zarbon: Or not...


Frieza: Zarbon! When will my time compression unit be ready?!


Zarbon: Very soon Master Frieza. We almost have enough power to activate it.


Frieza: Get more! I will show no mercy!


Goku: Can I train with you?


Frieza: No. Go bring me more wine.


Goku: Bastard...


Frieza: you want to spar? Then step right up, monkey! (Makes challenging gesture)


Goku: Alright! I'll show you what a saiya-jin can do!


(They fight. Frieza plays for about a minute, gets bored, and beats Goku into the ground)


Frieza: That was just to remind you why you obey to me. Now go!!! ...and fetch me my wine!


(Goku crawls away)


Frieza: (thinking) Ha ha. Yes. Now that boy will learn why nobody can tangle with Frieza and get out alive...