Chapter 15

(A trip to Okayama)



(Scene opens on Heero and crew's ship)


Heero: What's for dinner?


Ryo: Dinner?


Heero: ...darn it, I knew we should have taken that box of jelly doughnuts.


Ryo: We still have your pixie stix.


Heero: Hey! Back off! Those are mine!


Ryo: Fine. We'll go shopping tomorrow.


(Dr. J enters)


Dr. J: Hey guys, I need you to do me a little errand.


Heero: Get back to work.


Dr. J: That's just it! I need a piece of cabuondium to finish the shields.


Trowa: Are you insane?!


Dr. J: If you’re still asking that question, Trowa, then I’m not too sure you should be judging the sanity of others at all.



Trowa: …haven't you heard that cabuandium is the key piece to the portal devices the Pokemon come from? Everyone's been hording it for years! It's impossible to find!!!


Dr. J: I don't care! I need it for the gundams!


Heero: Wait. Are you sure you need it for the gundams and not just some of the other crap you've been working on?



Dr. J: You saw all that?


Heero: We have a camera in your room.


Dr. J: Really?


Heero: It's on a tripod in the middle of the floor.


Dr. J: Oh that thing. I’ve been using it as a hat rack!


Heero: You don’t have any hats.


Dr. J: Well, none that YOU can see.


Heero: …So far you've built a 3-speed blender, a 50 megaton warhead, a bunch of other crap I can't identify, and (this one I don't understand) a pair of torn running shoes.


Dr. J: They bring me luck!


Ryo: He's saying "Are you going to use this for the gundams, or your own insane devices?"


Dr. J: I swear, it's for the gundams!


Heero: ...fine. We need food anyway. We'll land on the next planet.


Trowa: Did anyone hear me?! I said it's impossible to find!!!


Heero: It's true, they have been gathering up every scrap of cabuandium out there. However, it's not likely that they've taken it from the old, broken products in a landfill.


Ryo: What do they use cabuandium in?


Trowa: I think it was once used in a brand of blender...


(Everyone stares at Dr. J)


Dr. J: I already finished that blender!


Heero: ...but are you going to build a new one?


Dr. J: No! ...but get some extra, anyway. I could always use a rare and highly unstable element.


Heero: ...hey, wait a minute. When did you learn to build things like this? I thought all you knew how to make were Gundams.


Dr. J: When I was brought back to life, the boundless knowledge of all of creation was bestowed upon me. And then I went insane!!!


Heero: ...why did I even ask?


(They land on the next planet about 2 hours later)


Tenchi: If those are more women, I think I'm going to shoot myself.


(The ship lands in his front lawn. Heero and company walk out, lacking Dr. J.)


Tenchi: Thank God!


Heero: Hello. We're sorry for the intrusion. We need a place to stay, and we're out of money and food.


Ryo: Please say you have food!


Tenchi: Sure, we have plenty. Come in. Make yourselves at home.


(They walk in. Tenchi walks off. Aeka and Reyoko are watching T.V on the couch)


Aeka: Oh! Who are you? Are you people lost or something?


Heero: I've been lost ever since the day I was born.


Aeka: That's so very sad.


Heero: Yes it is.


Ryo: Hello ladies! You're looking good.


Aeka: Pig!


Reyoko: Get lost!


(They blast him. He flies across the room. He gets up looking very pissed)


Ryo: Grrr. Armor of Wildfire-


Heero: Ryo!


Ryo: Huh? Oh…right.


Heero: We're their guests. It's not polite to do battle in their house.


Ryo: Sorry. I'm not used to women blasting me. They usually just slap me.


Trowa: That's the kind of thing I'd expect from Duo...


Aeka: Oh, you're friends of Tenchi?


Heero: Well, not really, we're just staying here tonight.


Aeka: Oh, well I'm Aeka and this is Reyoko. Please enjoy your stay at the Masaki house!


Reyoko: Be quiet little miss manners.


Aeka: At least I have the common courtesy to greet our guests!


Reyoko: Oh yeah?! Blah blah blah!


(Boring argument ensues. The gang walks away. Their stomachs lead them to the kitchen, where they find a little girl)


Trowa: Hello there. What's your name?


Little Girl: Sasami.


Trowa: What are you doing, Sasami?


Sasami: Making dinner.


Trowa: Why's a little girl like you cooking when there are full-grown women in the next room?


Sasami: You mean my sister and Reyoko? They suffer from a disability.


Trowa: What's that?


Sasami: Laziness, idiocy, sloth, incompetence, that sort of thing.


Trowa: I see…


(They return to the living room to find Dr. J crawling toward Aeka and Reyoko. They are curled up on the other end of the couch, looking very scared)


Dr. J: ...and it turns out I had the detonator the whole time! Ha ha ha ha! Oh, hi Heero!


Heero: Didn't you build a lock on your door?


Dr. J: Well, yes, but it was very faulty.


Heero: Get back to the ship.


Dr. J: But me and these fine ladies are enjoying a story of my life!


(Bullet whizzes by his head)


Dr. J: Well then ladies, I’m afraid we’ll have to finish this the next time Heero lets his guard down. Farewell!


(Dr. J leaves)


Aeka: Who was that disturbing man?


Heero: Dr. J. He's insane, but you probably noticed.


Aeka: I see…what did you say your name was?


Heero: My name is Heero Yuy. This is Ryo Sanada and Trowa Barton.


Aeka: Uh, nice to meet you…um, do you normally fire your weapons indoors?


Heero: With him around, almost daily.


(Dinner bell rings)


Sasami: Alright everyone! Come and get it!


(Everyone sits down and eats)