Chapter 22

(Let's check on Frieza...)



(Scene opens in Frieza's throne room. He is drinking and looks very impatient. Zarbon enters)


Zarbon: Master Frieza, your chamber is fully charged.


Frieza: Excellent. Have Goku brought to see. I want to see the look on his face when he sees my new power.


Zarbon: Right away, Master Frieza.


(They gather at the time-chamber door)


Frieza: Well, here we go.


(Just before Frieza enters the chamber, Goku pushes him out of the way and enters)


Frieza: (looking more than a little panicked) Cut the power! Now!!!


Engineer: Right away sir!


(The power is cut. About a second later, Goku exits the chamber somewhere around super saiya-jin 8)


Goku: Now Frieza...your evil reign of terror ends.


Frieza: First of all, my reign isn't evil. Second, I don't cause terror. I've created peace and order in a chaotic universe. Third, get back to work!


Goku: I'm not your houseboy anymore.


Frieza: We'll see about that.


(Insert twenty minute DBZ style fight. Preferably, the fighters move slow enough to see the moves they make [stupid lazy animators…]. The fight has no apparent winner until close to the end. Frieza eventually wins. The fight results in massive damage to Frieza's mansion)


Frieza: For this little insurrection, I'm sentencing you not only to clean up the mess from the fight, but to clean the entire face of the planet!


Goku: (weakly) Aw...


Zarbon: Good thing we cut the power. He only gained 15% of the machine’s potential. However, the charge has been really drained. It'll take another five months to recharge.


Frieza: Drain Goku's energy to recharge the machine.


Zarbon: Ow...that'll hurt.


Frieza: Excellent.