Chapter 24

(Frieza's mad)



(Scene opens in Frieza's throne room. Frieza sits tranquilly on his massive ornate throne, drinking very expensive wine. Zarbon enters the room, slowly and sheepishly)


Zarbon: Uh...Master Frieza?


Frieza: Yes?...


Zarbon: Uh...I have some...uh...bad news...


Frieza: (sarcastically) So what else is new?


Zarbon: Well...uh...ya see...


Frieza: Out with it!


Zarbon: Well, during your fight with Goku, the time compression unit was...uh...well...damaged.


Frieza: How extensively?


Zarbon: Well, um...the main component, the chronostone, was...cracked.


Frieza: WHAT!!!??


Zarbon: We have a team searching for another one as we speak, but that was the only one ever found.


(Frieza twitches madly. He crushes his wine glass in his hand. He growls and clenches his teeth)


Frieza: Can't it be repaired?!


Zarbon: The properties of the chronostone remain a mystery even to this day. We wouldn't know where to begin-


Frieza: Imbeciles!!! Grrr. Damn that monkey! I should never have let him near my machine! He will pay dearly for this! Bring him to me!


Zarbon: But he hasn't finished recovering from the figh-


Frieza: NOW!


(Zarbon orders guards to drag in the unconscious Goku. Frieza stares at him)


Frieza: Hmm...let him finish healing. Then, I want his limbs cut open, a slow burning acid poured on every open wound, the top layer of skin scraped off his body; I want his right arm burned, his left arm slowly cut into confetti, his left eye gouged, his right leg plunged into boiling oil, his left leg gnawed by wild dogs, the rest of his unnecessary bones crushed, and 300 volts of electricity sent through his body! Oh, and make sure he lives through it. I don't want to lose my houseboy. And once he's recovered from this...dye his hair pink! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!


Zarbon: Yes Master Frieza. (To guards) Ok, throw him back in the rejuvenation chamber!


(The guards haul Goku out of the room)


Frieza: Ah, I feel better already. Now, back to the matter at hand. Continue the search for a new chronostone, but do it in secret. I wouldn't want my adversary catching on to my secret training methods, now would I?


Zarbon: Yes sir. But what will we do now? Without you at a new power level, Ash can come walking through those doors anytime now!


Frieza: I know! Curse that monkey! Hrr....(goes into deep thought for a few seconds)...tell them we surrender.


Zarbon: What!!?


Frieza: You heard me! Do it!


Zarbon: (submissively, concerned) Master Frieza...yes sir.


Frieza: (thinking) Stupid monkey. His antics may have cost the universe its freedom...but I'm not out yet. Not by a long shot.