Chapter 35

(The final insult to humanity)



(Ash puts out a minimal effort and overwhelms the struggling Ryo. The warrior is engulfed in the blast, and sent flying back. His armor protects his body from melting, but his energy is spent. Ash decides to finish him with a heavy downward kick from 50 feet in the air. A crater results, filling with the blood flowing from every opening on Ryo’s face. Ash prepares to destroy the unconscious Ryo)


Frieza: That's enough! The boy is done. Now it's time to start the REAL fight.


Trowa: Someone, go help him!


Frieza: No. He made his decision, and now he must live with it...or die by it.


Ash: That fight was insulting!


Frieza: Oh, I don't know. I'd say you could learn something from him. Too bad he had no idea what his place was...


Ash: Well, he's just a dumb boy, like you!


Frieza: ...a 12 year old is calling me "boy"? And that made no sense regardless. Do you enjoy making yourself look stupid?


Ash: ...grrr! RRRAAAAA!!!!


(Ash rushes at Frieza, fists in front, trips on a rock, falls face first on the ground, and explodes. Everyone stares at the crater)


Heero: ...well that was...interesting...


Trowa: ...alright! We defeated Ash!


Everyone: Hurrah!!!


(Scene fades to black and prints the "The End". Zoom out to a television screen, then to two critics sitting on a couch)


Critic 1: W-w-w-what was that?! Ash trips and explodes, the end?!


Critic 2: I know, as if the story wasn't screwed up enough already. How anti-climactic can you get?!


Critic 1: Was that supposed to be funny?


Critic 2: Yeah, who wrote this crap?! I mean, they've completely screwed up Heero's personality, Dr. J is a chaotic psycho, and Goku is Frieza's houseboy!


Critic 1: Man, this thing's never seeing the light of day.


(Critic 1 sets fire to the film reel. Dr. J bursts in and puts the fire out)


Dr. J: What are you people talking about?! This stuff is gold! Pure literary gold!


Critic 1: Who the hell are you? And why are you in my house?


Critic 2: And why are you dressed like Dr. J?


Dr. J: The writers sent me!


Critic 1: Well tell them to send you back. And take this with you.


(Critic 1 hands Dr. J half burned filmstrip)


Dr. J: Hold on, I'm getting a message. Mm hm. Uh huh. What's that mister writer? You want me to kill them all? Well ok then!


Critic 2: What kind of psycho are you?!


Dr. J: That doesn't matter! What does matter is; Majigi!


(Dr. J takes out a very large, intimidating sledgehammer and gruesomely murders the critics. Blood splatters on the screen, forming "The End")