Chapter 4




(Heero and Ryo eventually put out the fire with sand and deli meats and get in Ryo's truck. The outside is barely damaged, but the seats have all been scorched)


Ryo: Aw man! My new CD player isn't working!


Heero: Ryo, the truck isn't on.


Ryo: Oh yeah.


(Ryo turns the key. A CD starts playing)


Ryo: There you go.


(They drive off down the road)


Ryo: We'd better stop for gas. I'm almost out.


(They drive a bit more, then stop at a gas station. The sign says "Red's gas")


Ryo: I'll go get Red.


(Pantless red guy comes up from below.)


Red: Hi Ryo. GOT MY GAS!!?


Ryo: Well we hit a little snag when my truck was hijacked, and then there was a little explosion-


Red: WHAT??!! (angrily) I've been waiting weeks for that gas. (softer) Can't run a gas station without any gas, CAN I?!


Ryo: Look, I'm sorry. I'll get it to you as soon as I can, no extra charge. Anyway, I need some gas.


(Momentary silence)


Red: Oh, I'm sorry. We're fresh out. Can I get you something else?


Heero: Hold on, I'm a bit confused. Why do you need gas delivered in cans? Don't gas stations have tanker trucks that come and fill an underground reservoir that’s attached to the pumps?


Red: They do?


Ryo: (whispering and nudging Heero) Shut up! He's one of my biggest customers.


Heero: Well anyway, you must have some gas.




Heero taking out his pistol: I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. You said five, right?


Red: (scared) ...yes sir.


(Red pumps the gas and they drive away)


Red: Y'all come back now, hear?!


(As they drive away, the gas station explodes)


Ryo: Please tell me you had nothing to do with that, Heero.


Heero: No, not this time.


(Screaming Red guy lands on windshield. Ryo swerves his truck and red guy falls off)


Heero: Is he ok?


Ryo: Yeah, he'll be fine. He's always fine. But did you really have to threaten him?


Heero: I wasn't really going to kill him. I just did what I had to do. Besides, do you have fifty bucks?


Ryo: I guess your right. I haven't had fifty bucks for years.


(They drive to a destroyed town. Fire and death run abound)


Ryo: Woah! What happened here?!


Heero: Looks like we're too late to rent a room. We should look for survivors and find out what happened.


(They get out and search the desolate debris. They eventually find a large warehouse which has fared considerably better then the other flaming and crumbled buildings. They enter and find a man cloaked in shadows)


Heero: Hello! Who's there? What's happened here?


Shadowed man: I'm surprised you don't remember me Heero.


Heero: Huh?


Shadowed man: (emerging from shadows) It's your old friend, Dr. J!



Heero: What? But you’re dead!


Dr. J: The only thing I remember about the last four years is blowing myself up with Libra, then waking up a month ago and finding out I'd been working in this warehouse building things for the past two months.


Heero: Why didn't I know you were living less than 5 miles away?


Dr. J: Because you never leave that shop of yours! How's business by the way?


Heero: Gone. My shop recently exploded.


Dr. J: Oh, that’s too bad! (Wink, wink, nod, nod)


Heero: This isn't an insurance scam, Dr. J. This was a real terrorist attack.


Dr. J: I suppose it was the Pokemon then. They destroyed this entire town. Did you happen to notice on your way in?


Ryo: Heero, who is this guy?


Heero: This is Dr. J. He trained me and gave me my Gundam.


Ryo: He seems a bit...strange.


Heero: You're right. He does seem…crazier than usual.


Dr. J: Really? Everyone seems to say that these days. The FBI, the CIA, the FDA, the ADA, the AA, the KKK, the IBM, the AT&T, my real-estate agent, my insurance company, radio DJs, people on the street, my N64-


Heero: Ok, that's enough of that. Back to the topic of what the hell is going on.


Dr. J: Oh, right. The Pokemon and their followers are taking over this planet, and are probably going to begin an enormous battle that will destroy it.


Heero: Hm. Looks like we may have to fight our way out.


Dr. J: I thought you'd be excited! You love to kill, don't you?


Heero: What?! Dr. J, I’ve never liked killing! Well, except for that deli leprechaun, but that’s different. I gave up fighting the year after you died. Peace had finally been achieved. But…when all these universes collided, that peace was shattered.


Dr. J: So did you fight then?


Heero: No. I had no weapons and nothing to fight for. There was nothing but pointless battles for the few months that the chaos lasted. But anyway, what are Pokemon?


Dr. J: Little demonic creatures with power over the elements. They recently appeared in the universe, but their existence has been kept quiet.


Heero: Then how do you know about them?


Dr. J: I built a machine to intercept top-secret radio signals!


Ryo: (jokingly) On company time?


Dr. J: Yes! I'm not sure what it is I'm being paid for anyway.


Heero: So, why are you just sitting here?


Dr. J: I'm on break!


Heero: ...Dr. J, have you gone completely insane?


Dr. J: Why, yes! I’m surprised it’s taken you this long to notice.


Heero: ...I see…well, anyway, do you have a ship?


Dr. J: Yes, but I'm not going anywhere until I pack up my lab.


Heero: How long will that take?


Dr. J: A few hours.


Heero: Great, we'll be stealing that ship later. You can come if you want. In the meantime, I have something I want to do.


Dr. J: Oh, wait Heero! I have something I've been saving for you.


(Brings him into a back room.)


Heero: It's my Gundam, Wing Zero! You've kept it all this time?…Wait, wasn't that blown up to promote peace?


Dr. J: Um...don't worry about that, it's here now!



Heero: Whatever. We gotta go somewhere, Ryo.


Ryo: Where?


Heero: To visit an old friend of mine. Get in.


(They climb up to the cockpit.)


Ryo: There's only one seat in this thing.


Heero: There's a storage compartment behind the seat that you could probably fit into.


Ryo: ...I'll just drive.


Heero: By the time you get there, I'll be back.


Ryo: Can't I just stay with Dr. J?


Dr. J: Oh yes! I'd love the company!


Ryo: (frightened) ...get me outta here!


Heero: Compartment.




Heero: Either that, or the Gundam holds you on the outside.


Ryo: ...fine, I'll take the compartment.


Heero: Ok, we're off.